
A train crash in eastern India has killed more than 200 people, officials said, in one of the country’s deadliest railway accidents in decades. At least 233 people were killed and 900 injured in a collision involving multiple trains in the state of Odisha on Friday night, according to the state’s chief secretary Pradeep Jena.
The train from London to Amsterdam is a 3hr 52m joke at the expense of the nation state. Four countries zip past without so much as a courtesy announcement over the speaker at each crossing of a border. Staff of indeterminate citizenship offer drinks in three languages. The onscreen message (“Welcome à bord d’Eurostar”) is a
The writer is associate professor in cardiometabolic health at the University of Exeter and chairs the BMA Board of Science Smoking kills. In a world where physicians cannot achieve consensus on other major health threats, this unambiguous fact is something that we can all agree on. Tobacco use is the biggest cause of preventable disease
European stocks rallied on Friday after investors took heart from US congressional passage of a deal to lift the country’s debt ceiling and suggestions from Federal Reserve officials that the central bank would halt interest rate rises. Europe’s region-wide Stoxx 600 rose 0.5 per cent, extending gains from the previous day, while France’s Cac 40
CIA director Bill Burns travelled to China last month, a clandestine visit by one of President Joe Biden’s most trusted officials that signals how concerned the White House had become about deteriorating relations between Beijing and Washington. Five people familiar with the situation said Burns, a former top diplomat who is frequently entrusted with delicate
Emmanuel Macron deployed a novel tactic this week to try to repair France’s frayed relations with Europe’s eastern flank — call it “strategic humility”.  In a speech at a security conference in Bratislava, the French president all but apologised for not heeding warnings issued from Warsaw to Tallinn about the risks posed by Vladimir Putin’s