
Season ticket renewal time. Thirty-five years on, I can’t explain why I chose Arsenal. It wasn’t the nearest club (Crystal Palace) or the most successful (Liverpool). Once the decision was made, though, it became self-reinforcing. Attachments deepen with time and habit until their origin is beside the point. I can tell, though not without fail,
European equities followed Asian stocks lower on Tuesday as investors questioned whether China’s smaller than expected cut to its benchmark lending rate would be sufficient to boost the country’s sluggish economy. Europe’s region-wide Stoxx 600 lost 0.1 per cent, extending its losses from the previous session, while Germany’s Dax was down 0.3 per cent. London’s
Abu Dhabi’s sovereign wealth fund ADQ held detailed talks to take Wall Street investment bank Lazard private, in a move that underlined the oil-rich emirate’s ambitions to acquire a western financial services company. The talks were held this year between Lazard, led by outgoing chief executive Ken Jacobs, and ADQ, led by Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed
When two UN atomic watchdog inspectors set off for Iran’s Fordow nuclear plant in January, they gave their Iranian counterparts virtually no notice of the impending visit. It was what the International Atomic Energy Agency terms a routine unscheduled inspection, designed to give staff at one of the Islamic republic’s most secretive facilities as little
Russia’s “dragon teeth” tank traps, minefields and multi-layered fortifications are just one set of obstacles in Ukraine’s budding counteroffensive. Another formidable foe turns out to be airborne, including the Russian Ka-52 “Alligator” attack helicopter. In one of the campaign’s early battles near Orikhiv, in Zaporizhzhia province, a Ukrainian infantry company drove into a minefield and
Power and Progress: Our Thousand Year Struggle over Technology and Prosperity by Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson (John Murray/PublicAffairs) Technological progress does promise a better future. But it does not deliver one automatically. If the promise is to be achieved and costs contained, both the technology itself and, still more, its impact must be brought
As ructions in the US banking sector demonstrated in March, higher interest rates affect economies in a way that is neither smooth nor linear. Indeed, central bankers have been wary of breaking things as they have rapidly pushed up the cost of credit over the past two years in order to tackle sticky prices. Given
Almost everything in the world is better than it was when I was born, other than the climate. Computers are faster. People live longer. Across most of the world, violent crime is at historic lows. Closer to home, in London, today’s children are much better educated, crime numbers are falling and the restaurants are vastly
Criticism of the Bank of England is growing. Approval rates are now at a record independent-era low. It’s a bit harsh. To their great credit, Bank officials have steered the UK through an inflationary shock driven by factors beyond their control and into an inflationary shock increasingly driven by factors within their control. They’re still
The Ukraine war has revived the transatlantic alliance. But the relationship between the US and its European allies is increasingly lopsided. The US economy is now considerably richer and more dynamic than the EU or Britain — and the gap is growing. That will have an impact well beyond relative living standards. Europe’s dependence on
The cost of a two-year fixed-rate mortgage in the UK rose above 6 per cent on Monday and two-year gilt yields rose to their highest level for 15 years, piling more pressure on homeowners and Rishi Sunak’s government. Mortgage costs have been rising sharply over the past week, ahead of an expected increase in interest
There is an irony in JPMorgan Chase having proved the last straw for Odey Asset Management. Last Monday, the US banking giant agreed to pay up to $290mn to the sex crime survivors of the late Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire who JPM kept on as a lucrative client despite multiple internal warnings about his behaviour.